新澳门免费资料大全最新版本更新内容,加布兽 ガブモン Gabumon



名字:加布兽 ガブモン Gabumon






首次登场:1997年12月 数码怪兽 Ver.2


必杀技&得意技:小火焰弹    Petit Fire    プチファイアー

























                             普尼兽→独角兽→加布兽→加鲁鲁兽→狼人加鲁鲁兽→偃月加鲁鲁兽+电光暴龙兽→奥米加兽→奥米加兽 Alter-S




进化自:Hopmon、Koromon、Nyaromon、Peti Meramon、Poromon、Tokomon、Tunomon、Wanyamon

进化为:Algomon (Adult)、Angemon、Ankylomon、Aquilamon、Bakemon (with Death Evolution)、Black Tailmon、Boarmon、Bullmon、Centalmon、Coredramon (Green)、Dark Lizamon、Dobermon、Dobermon (X-Antibody)、Dokugumon、DORUgamon、Dorulumon、Drimogemon、Fangmon、Fladramon、Flymon、Fugamon、Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna-Gabumon (X-Antibody) (with X-Antibody)、Gaogamon (with Gaomon)、Garurumon(with Gomamon)、Garurumon (Black)、Garurumon (X-Antibody)、Geo Greymon、Geremon、Gorimon、Greymon (with Agumon)、Greymon (X-Antibody)、Gryzmon、Growmon、Gururumon、Hanumon、Igamon、Ikkakumon、Jungle Mojyamon、Kabuterimon (with Tentomon)、Kenkimon (with the Digimental of Friendship)、Kiwimon、Kita Kitsunemon (with the Digimental of Friendship)、Kyubimon、Kyubimon (Silver)、Lighdramon、Leomon、Leomon (X-Antibody)、Meicoomon、Metal Garurumon (Warp Evolution) (with Were Garurumon and Garurumon)、Metal Garurumon (Black) (Warp Evolution)、Mikemon、Monochromon、Nanimon、Nefertimon、Nefertimon (X-Antibody)、Nise Drimogemon、Numemon、Omegamon (Warp Evolution) (with or without Agumon or Invisible Connection)、Omegamon (X-Antibody) (with Agumon, Were Garurumon, and Metal Greymon)、Opossummon、Orgemon、Pegasmon、Raremon、Reppamon、Rukamon、Sangloupmon (with Lunamon)、Scumon、Seadramon、Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode (with Every Digimon from the Digital World)、Snimon、Stingmon、Strikedramon、Tailmon、Tailmon (X-Antibody)、Tyranomon、Tuchidarumon、Turuiemon、V-dramon、Vegimon、Wizarmon、Wolfmon (with the Human Spirit of Light)、XV-mon、Yukidarumon



《数码兽大冒险》&《数码兽大冒险:我们的战争游戏》&《数码兽大冒险02》&《数码兽大冒险02:数码兽飓风登陆 超绝进化!黄金的数码精神》&《数码兽大冒险02:迪亚波罗兽的逆袭》&《数码兽大冒险tri.》&《数码兽大冒险:最后的进化 绊》


英文版介绍:Gabumon is the partner of Ishida Yamato.



英文版介绍:A Tunomon at Togemon's Elementary School became a Gabumon during a soccer match with the other children, which was why the other students did not like Tunomon. Tunomon evolved to Gabumon and saved Caprimon during a flood.






In NEW DIGITAL MONSTER BEGINS, a Gabumon appears on a park, alongside a Tentomon.

While no actual Gabumon appears later on in the series, it nonetheless has several cameos. In Digimon Identified Memory, Gabumon appears in the illustration of the Gabumon Dim Card owned by Greymon's Tamer, and Pulsemon's Tamer is shown to have a Gabumon plushie alongside an Agumon one. In VITAL BRACELET Lab, a Gabumon overlay with its data is one of the many overlays that appears in the Vital Bracelet Lab when Palmon and her Tamer visit it.


《数码兽大冒险 V驯兽师01》



《数码兽世界 复原 编码》

《数码兽宇宙 应用怪兽》

《数码兽大冒险 V驯兽师01 新的勇气》

Gabou was a Gabumon who lived at Holy Angel Castle. He found Yagami Taichi while being chased by a Tortamon and took him to see Lord Holy Angemon. Gabou accompanied Taichi and Zeromaru throughout their journeys.

A Gabumon is one of the Digimon who cheer the heroes on in the final fight against N.E.O[118].

Gabumon, alongside the rest of the original Adventure: Chosen Children and their Digimon except Izumi Koshiro and Tentomon, makes a cameo during New Courage, with Adventure:'s Yagami Taichi remembering he was with them before being surrounded by a strange light and finding himself in the V-Tamer Digital World. After the polyhedron is destroyed and Adventure:'s Taichi reawakens in his world, he finds himself surrounded by his friends once again, with Sora explaining that he fell and blacked out.

Gabou also makes a cameo, alongside Leo, as V-Tamer's Yagami Taichi explains to his Adventure: counterpart that they fought the endless hordes of Virus Digimon and could do nothing but seal the polyhedron that caused them to appear. He then properly appears at the end of the chapter after the polyhedron was destroyed, badly wounded but happy.


《数码怪兽 Ver.S》

《数码怪兽 Ver.WS》


《数码兽大冒险 阳级驯兽师》

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《数码兽大冒险 阴级驯兽师》


《数码兽大冒险02 组合驯兽师》

《数码兽大冒险02 D-1驯兽师》

《数码兽世界 数码卡片竞技场》

《数码兽驯兽师 数码兽集成曲》

《数码兽驯兽师 战斗之魂》

《数码兽驯兽师 战斗进化》

《数码兽驯兽师 勇敢的驯兽师》



《数码兽世界3 崭新冒险之门》

《数码怪兽 D计划》




《数码兽拯救者 特殊任务》

《数码兽物语 日光&月光》



《数码兽物语 失落的进化》


《数码兽物语 超合体战争 红&蓝》


《数码兽世界 复原》



《数码兽世界 复原 解码》



《数码兽物语 网络侦探》


《数码兽世界 -next 0rder-》


《数码兽世界 -next 0rder-国际版》

《数码兽物语 网络侦探 黑客记忆》




Gabumon appears as an obtainable Child-level Data type Digimon in Digimon World. When the Player starts the game, he's asked by Jijimon two questions, and if you say "No" or "Night" to his questions, you'll receive a Gabumon as your first Digimon, otherwise if you answer "Yes" or "Day", you'll receive an Agumon instead.

A Gabumon is found hiding in Misty Trees. After you completed Tonosama Gekomon and Jyureimon's quests, Jyureimon will dissipate and clear the fog of the Misty Trees making it easier to see, so a Gabumon will be revealed hiding in a corner of a cliff at the north of Misty Trees. When you talk to it, it will engage a battle and once it is defeated, it joins the city, and assists Drimogemon in the Treasure House because it's bored and has nothing else to do. It only appears if you have recruited Drimogemon.

Several Gabumon also work for Orgemon as members of the "Bandits" that the Player has to defeat, as he's assaulted by some in the Great Canyon and are found guarding the Ogre Fortress. After the Player defeats Orgemon for the first time, the gang of Gabumon will decrease by two, and finally separate from their boss when it has been defeated for the second time in the Secret Beach Cave, home to Whamon.

Koromon evolves into Gabumon after 24 in-game hours have elapsed only if its DefenseSpeed and Brains stats are higher as opposed to Agumon's HPMP and Offense stat requirements. Gabumon can also evolve into 10 different types of Digimon depending on the stats and Care Mistakes made:

Finishing Technique - Petit Fire:

Gabumon spits out a fiery breath against the enemy, burning them.

Before the events of the game, the Chosen Children and their Partner Digimon were kidnapped by Millenniumon.

After Akiyama Ryo defeated Vamdemon, Ishida Yamato, Kido Jo, Yagami Hikari, Gabumon, Gomamon and Tailmon were freed. The Chosen Children then returned to their world, while their Partner Digimon joined Ryo to rescue the others.

Gabumon is a Child level, Data Attribute, Land Type Digimon.

Gabumon is an obtainable Digimon. Can evolve to Centalmon (0-2 DP), Drimogemon (3-5 DP), Nise Drimogemon (6-7 DP) or Garurumon (8+ DP).

Gabumon is an obtainable Child-level, Blue/Water card, whose stats are:

Gabumon's attacks are Petit FireLittle Horn and Hidden Knock.

Gabumon is a playable character. He can evolve to Omegamon.

Gabumon is a playable character澳门最精准正最精准龙门蚕. He can evolve to Metal Garurumon.

Gabumon is a collectable green card with 4/3 stats.

Evolves from Tunomon at level 11. Evolves to Garurumon at level 21.

Gabumon is a playable character.

Gabumon is a playable character. He can evolve to Garurumon, who evolves further to Metal Garurumon.

He can be evolved from Tunomon if above level 7, or can be found at Data Forest if Tunomon was your chosen partner at the beginning of the game. He can evolve to Garurumon if above level 18 and Attack above 120.

An NPC Gabumon works at the shop next to Wizarmon in DigiCentral, selling weapons, armors, and accessories.

Can be obtained if Gaomon meets the conditions.

Can be evolved from Tunomon if above level 8, or can be found at Register Jungle. Can evolve to Garurumon if above level 19, friendship 60%, and attack 100, or J Mojyamon if above level 17 and Beast EXP 350.

Gabumon is an obtainable Digimon. Can be evolved from Tunomon if you have 20 Beast-AP. He can evolve further to Ikkakumon, Garurumon (Black), Gururumon or Garurumon.

Gabumon is an obtainable Digimon which is evolved from Koromon or Wanyamon, and can evolve to Gaogamon, Garurumon, Greymon, or Tailmon. It can also be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Garurumon Evolution (ガルルモン進化 Garurumon Shinka) set and the 3 Color Gabumon (3色ガブモン Sanshoku Gabumon) set.

Gabumon is Ishida Yamato's Partner Digimon. He first evolves into this form from Tunomon in "Adrift? Island of Adventure!" before fighting Kuwagamon, and stays in this form as his base afterwards. Gabumon is a playable character, whose attacks are:

Petit Fire: deals damage to one enemy. Costs 10 SP.

Crush Nail: deals multiple hits to one enemy with a high critical chance. Costs 6 SP.

Little Horn: deals damage to one enemy with a high chance of inflicting Shock. Costs 3 SP.

As the player progresses through the game, Gabumon gains the ability to evolve in-battle into Garurumon (in Episode 3, "The Blue Wolf! Garurumon"), Were Garurumon, Metal Garurumon and Omegamon.

Gabumon is an unlockable fighter. His main evolution is Metal Garurumon, and his Super Evolution is Omegamon. It can also be obtained as a collectible .


Evolves from Tunomon. Can evolve to Kabuterimon, Garurumon, Angemon, Yukidarumon or Vegimon.

Evolves from Tunomon. Can evolve to Garurumon.

Evolves from Nyaromon. Can evolve to Leomon, Garurumon, Igamon or Tailmon.

Evolves from Nyaromon. Can evolve to Garurumon, Dobermon, Gryzmon, Leomon (X-Antibody), Aquilamon or Kiwimon.

Evolves from Koromon. Can evolve to Garurumon, Seadramon or Numemon.

Evolves from Nyaromon. Can evolve to Garurumon, Flymon, or Vegimon.



