2024澳门天天开好彩大全2023,Breaking through 突破Innovation is an essential part of dealing with climate change. More is needed 创新是应对气候变化至关重要的组成部分。还需要更多的创新 Oct 31st 2020 | green ——adjective (POLITICAL) relating to the protection of the environment 环境保护的【例句】green


Breaking through 突破

Innovation is an essential part of dealing with climate change. More is needed 创新是应对气候变化至关重要的组成部分。还需要更多的创新


Oct 31st 2020 | 

green ——adjective (POLITICAL) relating to the protection of the environment 环境保护的


green politics/issues 主张环境保护的政见/环保问题

a green campaigner/activist 环保运动/积极分子

the Green Party 绿党 

go green ——to do more to protect nature and the environment 大力保护自然环境


The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of tax incentives to go green. 总理提议打击汽车及飞机的尾气排放,并为保护环境设立激励性税收。


第一段(各国政府正排队为本世纪中叶制定新的气候目标。本周,日本表示将消除所有温室气体。在过去一个月左右的时间里,中国和韩国已经宣布它们的经济将采取碳平衡的形式,这就意味着它们向大气中排放的二氧化碳量不会超过其本国的二氧化碳排放量。今年3月,欧盟公布了自己的“净零排放”计划。英国和法国已经将他们的气候目标写进了法律。下周Joe Biden的总统选举如果胜利了,可能会让美国走上相似的道路。)


GOVERNMENTS ARE lining up to set new climate targets for the middle of the century. This week Japan said that it would eliminate all greenhouse gases (see article). In the past month or so China and South Korea have declared that their economies will be carbon-neutral, meaning that they will put no more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than they take out. In March the European Union unveiled a “net-zero” plan of its own. Britain and France have enshrined their targets into law. A victory next week for Joe Biden could put America on a similar path.


net-zero / net zero ——(of a country, city, etc.) removing as many emissions (= gases that cause  the earth to warm up) as it produces:(指一个国家、城市等)尽可能多地消除其产生的排放物(导致地球变暖的气体);净零排放


There are five ways to make the UK net zero.有五种方法是英国达到零排放。

The main goal was to be a carbon-neutral or net-zero city.主要目标是成为一个碳中和或零排放城市。

carbon-neutral ——(adjective) If a person, organization, event, etc. is carbon-neutral, it does things such as planting trees to reduce carbon dioxide  by the same amount as it produces it. 碳平衡的(个人、组织等以种树等行为抵消自身活动造成的二氧化碳气体排放,达到“碳平衡”)

unveil ——(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公诸于众


The company recently unveiled a test version of its new search engine. 这家公司最近公布了新搜索引擎的测试版。

be enshrined in sth ——If a political or social right is enshrined in something, it is protected by being included in it.(政治或社会权利)被庄严载入


The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law/in the constitution.言论自由的权利被庄严载入法律/宪法。



Targets are easier set than met. Today around 85% of the world’s industrial energy comes from fossil fuels. Getting consumption to near zero will involve enormous economic shifts. It will require huge changes in how energy is generated and used. And it will also require a sustained barrage of innovations to improve how steel or cement are made, say, or how buildings are designed and managed.


fossil fuels 矿物燃料

【例句】Fossil fuels such as and will service our needs for some considerable time to come.诸如煤、石油和天然气之类的矿物燃料会在以后很长一段时间里满足我们的需求。

a barrage of sth ——a great number of complaints, criticisms, or questions suddenly directed at someone 连珠炮一样的(投诉、批评或质问),接二连三的…


The TV station has received a barrage of complaints about the amount of violence in the series. 电视台接到了一连串的投诉,批评电视剧中的暴力镜头太多。

He faced a barrage of questions over his handling of the problem. 就该问题的处理方式,他受到了接二连三的质问。

sustained ——持续的,持久的


The president's speech was greeted by sustained applause. 总统的演讲博得了经久不息的掌声。




The world’s green-innovation machine likes to make a big noise about its successes. The share prices of firms with climate-sustaining technologies have soared. Tesla’s value has reached $385bn, overtaking the combined total of the next three biggest carmakers. The value of BYD, a Chinese competitor, has more than tripled this year. This month NextEra, a clean-power utility, ExxonMobil to become America’s biggest energy firm. In the past four years venture-capital (VC) deals have more than doubled (see article).


overtake ——(数量或程度上)大于,超过

(同义词:outstrip, , overshadow, eclipse, outshine, outclass)


Our US sales have now overtaken our sales in Europe. 我们在美国的销售额现已超过了我们在欧洲的销售额。

We'd planned to hold a meeting tomorrow, but events have overtaken us (= things have changed). 我们本打算明天召开一个会议,但情况发生了变化。



Yet nowhere too little capital is being channelled into innovation. Spending on R&D has three main sources: venture capital, governments and energy companies. Their combined annual investment into technology and innovative companies focused on the climate is over $80bn. For comparison, that is a bit more that twice the R&D spending of a single tech firm, Amazon.


nowhere ——任何地方都不;无处


These young people have nowhere (else) to go. 这些年轻人无处可去。

Nowhere does the article mention the names of the people involved. 这篇文章中并未提及相关人员的名字。

channel ——引导;把…导入,将…引入


Ditches were constructed to channel water away from the buildings.修造了沟渠把水引离建筑物。

If she could only channel all that energy into something useful.要是她能把那些精力都倾注到有用的事情上就好了。

A lot of money has been channelled into research in that particular field.大笔经费投入到了那个领域的研究中。

spending ——(尤指政府或组织的)开支,支出,花销


government spending on health 政府在医疗保健方面的支出

spending cuts 削减开支

Consumer spending has more than doubled in the last ten years. 消费者的支出在过去10年中增加了一倍多。




One of the world’s most pressing problems thus receives perhaps just 4% of the global total spent on R&D. Governments are falling short of their targets. VC investment in accounts for about a tenth of all VC investment and firms which sell goods or services that cut emissions just five of the top 100 firms in this year’s bonanza. The private sector’s record on climate innovation has been a hit-and-miss affair, at best. Having boomed in the mid-2000s, green VCs went bust a few years later.


fall short ——未达到数量(或要求)


August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations. 8月汽车销量未达到业界的期望。

bonanza ——获利之道;发财的机会


The rise in house prices meant that those who were selling enjoyed a bonanza.房价的上升意味着那些卖房者发了大财。

April was a bonanza month for car sales.4月份是汽车销售的旺季。

hit-and-miss ——(also hit-or-miss) 没准的,碰运气的 


The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair. 火车经常晚点,所以准时上班在很大程度上是件碰运气的事。

at best ——最多,充其量


The food was bland at best, and at worst completely inedible.这种食品往好了说,是清淡无味,往差了说,则根本不能吃。

go bust 破产



What can be done? The first step is to think clearly about the division of labour between governments and the private sector. Governments need to get involved in several ways, because the market on its own will not do enough to bring about the shift from fossil fuels. It starts with the state funding not just basic research but also some development and the deployment of technologies. Some projects are risky, large, or both, be countenanced by private investors on their own.


bring about 导致; 引起

deployment ——有效运用;发挥…的作用


the deployment of technologies to address this challenge 为应对这一挑战的高科技运用

countenance ——verb [ T ]  [formal] to approve of or give support to something 接受,认可;赞同;支持


The school will not countenance bad behaviour. 学校不会支持不端行为。





In practice that means the government should expect to foot some or all of the bill for new nuclear power plants, new charging grids for electric vehicles, or thorough investigations of new technologies such as geoengineering. Governments also need to enact policies that encourage greener consumption. is an essential step, forcing firms, and ultimately consumers, to bear the cost of their emissions, and in turn leading investors to allocate capital more efficiently.


foot ——[informal] 支付(账单或费用)


His parents footed the bill for his college tuition. 父母为他支付了大学学费。

They refused to foot the cost of the wedding. 他们拒绝为婚礼买单。

The company will foot her expenses. 公司将会为她的花费掏腰包。

geoengineering 地球工程学




The good news is that governments may be at last changing their tune. are spreading and will soon cover over a fifth of global emissions. A slice of the EU’s €750bn ($880bn) recovery plan is likely to be directed towards R&D that is related to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and their effects. If he is elected on November 3rd, Mr Biden plans to spend $300bn on R&D four years, with an emphasis on renewable-energy technology. At the moment, the federal government spends less than $7bn a year on such green R&D.


slice ——(钱等的)份额,部分


We agreed before we did the deal that we'd both take an equal slice of the profit. 成交前,我们商定双方各拿利润的一半。

The film presents us with a fascinating slice of history. 这部电影向我们展示了一个非常有趣的历史片段。

direct ——verb (AIM)[ T usually + adv/prep ] to aim something in a particular direction 朝着,指向


Was that remark directed at/towards me? 这话是对我说的吗?

Criticism was directed against/at the manufacturers of the product. 批评意见直指该产品的生产厂家。




The private sector still has a crucial role to play. Investors and entrepreneurs are best at commercialising new ideas, from efficient grids to hydrogen-powered . The public markets provide a vast source of capital for more mature firms, helping them scale up fast, as Tesla has demonstrated. Yet so far the asset-management industry has stuck to its green credentials in superficial ways. In the latest quarter the net inflows of cash into “sustainable” funds, which often track the shares of big firms that have little effect on climate change, were twice the size of the annual investments into green VC.


commercialize ——(UK usually commercialise) 使商业化,使商品化;从…中赚钱

scale sth up ——增加,增大


My company is scaling up its operations in Western Asia. 我公司正在扩大西亚的业务。

stick to sth 坚持,固守;忠于

market 促销;推销;营销

superficial 表面上的

credentials ——[ plural ] the abilities and experience that make someone suitable for a particular job or activity, or proof of someone's abilities  and experience 资历,资格;资格证书,资质证明


All the candidates had excellent academic credentials. 所有候选人都具有优秀的学历

She was asked to show her press credentials. 她被要求出示记者证




More companies and billionaire-backed funds are eyeing up . But institutional investors, who have far larger sums to play with, need to embrace the opportunity, too. The forthcoming energy transition will be one of the biggest business opportunities of the next decades. Instead of Tesla’s 17 years after the company was founded, investors should be striving to find the next superstar.


eye sb up ——[informal] to look at someone with sexual interest 向…眉目传情,向…送秋波,向…抛媚眼


That guy in the grey jacket has been eyeing you up all evening. 那个穿灰夹克的家伙整个晚上都在色迷迷地盯着你看。



